Circle packing in Processing
We’ll create a class called Circle
class Circle {
float x;
float y;
float r;
float growRate = 1;
boolean growing = true;
Circle(float x_, float y_){
x = x_;
y = y_;
r = 0.5;
//r = 0.25;
void grow(){
if (growing){
r = r+growRate;
boolean edges(){
return(x+r > width || x-r height ||y-r < 0);
void show(){
colrfromImg = clrImg.get(int(x),int(y));//store the color from the image
We’ll set up our sketch. There are two images being used. One defines the area where the circles will populate, the other image is used to extract a color palette and fill the circles with those colors.
ArrayList circles;
ArrayList spots;
PImage img;
PImage clrImg;
color colrfromImg;
void setup() {
size(1200, 800);
spots = new ArrayList ();
img = loadImage("img42.jpg");
clrImg = loadImage("img31.jpg");
for(int x =0; x<width; x++){
for(int y =0; y<height; y++){ int index = x + y * img.width; color c = img.pixels[index]; float b = brightness(c); if (b > 1){
spots.add(new PVector(x,y));
circles = new ArrayList();
void draw() {
int total =20;
int count = 0;
int attempts = 0;
while (count < total) { Circle newC = newCircle(); if (newC !=null) { circles.add(newC); count++; } attempts ++; if (attempts > 5000) {
noLoop();//stop completly the program
for (Circle c : circles) {
if (c.growing) {
if (c.edges()) {
c.growing = false;
} else {
//boolean overlapping = false;
for (Circle other : circles) {
if (c != other) {
float d = dist(c.x, c.y, other.x, other.y);
if (d < c.r + other.r) {
c.growing = false;
//overlapping = true;
Circle newCircle() {
int r = int (random(0, spots.size()));
PVector spot = spots.get(r);
float x = spot.x;
float y = spot.y;
boolean valid = true;
for (Circle c : circles) {
float d = dist(x, y, c.x, c.y);
//if (d < c.r + 2 )
if (d < c.r ) {
valid = false;
if (valid) {
return new Circle (x, y);
} else {
return null;